
Wolfgang Pauli Institut. Technische Universiteit Wien (TUWIEN).
The Technische Universität Wien (TUWIEN) is among the oldest institutes of technology worldwide and ranks among the top institutes of technology in Europe. It hosts more than 25000 students, about 3000 faculty and has a budget of over 200 million EUR. The development plan of TUWIEN lists Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies as one of their five main research focuses. Therefore this project is at the heart of the research activities of the university. The university hosts the newly formed Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology, which is a joint initiative of TUWIEN, the University of Vienna and the Austrian Academy of Sciences. It unites quantum physicists of Vienna's research institutions in one collaborative center. The participating team, lead by Johannes Majer, provides top level expertise on circuit QED and on solid-state qubits and has experience with strongly coupling spins to superconducting resonators at very low temperatures.