News and Offers
NEST Prize 2020 to Dr. Giulia Serrano
Dr. Giulia Serrano, of the UGO SCHIFF Chemistry Department of the University of Florence, has won the NEST 2020 Award for nanoscience for her work published on Nature Materials entitled "Quantum dynamics of a single molecule magnet on superconducting Pb (111)".
Congratulations to the winner! She will receive from Nipon Gases, sponsor of this award, a cash prize of 5000 €.

Three postdoctoral contracts available at INMA
Would you like to join our team and contribute to build a scalable hybrid quantum computer and explore its applications? Have a look at our offers here:
Postdoctoral position on quantum hardware development
Postdoctoral position on control of quantum processors and implementationof protocols and algorithms
Postdoctoral position on quantum machine learning and optimization of quantum circuits
ICE-6 best poster award to Nacho Gimeno (CSIC-INMA)
Nacho Gimeno, PhD student from our CSIC partner, has been awarded the 1st poster prize of the 6th Quantum Information in Spain (ICE6) conference for his work on 4-qubit molecular spin processors. Take a look at the poster below. The award was funded by Entropy.
New SUMO publication at Chemical Science
Chemical design of decoherence-free spin qubits. New SUMO publication is hot article in Chemical Science

Quantum Tuesday
Marzo Antonio Córcoles, from IBM (Yorktown), will present the talk titled "Characterizing and benchmarking near-term quantum computers". It will take place on Tuesday, March 2 at 16:00 and will be streamed in youtube.
Quantum Tuesday
Mari Carmen Bañuls, from the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, will present the talk titled "Tensor networks and out of equilibrium quantum many-body systems". It will take place on Tuesday, February 16 at 16:00 and will be streamed in youtube.
Quantum Tuesday
Arzhang Ardavan, from the Clarendon Laboratory of the University of Oxford, will present the talk titled "Electrical control of quantum spins". It will take place today, on Tuesday, December 15 at 16:00 and will be streamed in youtube.
Quantum Tuesday
Christine Muschik, from the Institute for Quantum Computing of the University of Waterloo, will present the talk titled "A measurement-based variational quantum eigensolver". It will take place on Tuesday, December 1 at 16:00 and will be streamed in youtube.
Our work on a molecular dimer hosting six addressable spin qubits is now published with Springer Nature in Communications Chemistry
Molecular spin processors are promising for quantum computing, but for universal applicability the available computational space needs to be expanded beyond three qubits while retaining the ability to perform universal quantum operations. Here, the authors report dissymetric molecular Gadolinium(III) dimers acting as 6-qubit quantum processors. You can freely access the paper at
Quantum Tuesday
Silvia Viola Kusminskiv, from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, will present the talk titled "Cavity Optomagnonics: quantum optics with magnons". It will take place on Tuesday, November 17 at 16:00 and will be streamed in youtube.
Quantum Tuesday
Javier Aizpurua, from the Donostia Materials Physics Center, will present the talk titled "Quantum approaches to nanocavity-enhanced molecular spectroscopy". It will take place on Tuesday, November 3 at 16:00 and will be streamed in youtube.
Quantum Tuesday
Antonio Mezzacapo, from the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, will present the talk titled "Machine learning for quantum and classical computations of electronic structure". It will take place on Tuesday, October 20 at 16:00 and will be streamed in youtube.
New "cryo-free" dilution refrigerator installed
INMA (Aragón Materials and Nanoscience Institute) received the new “cryo-free” dilution refrigerator from BLUEFORS, it has been installed and has started its first cool down. We have reached 1.15 K (-272 degrees celsius) before lunch. We are on the way to becoming the coldest place in Zaragoza ever!
INMA smash a new record!!! The device reached an amazing 9.2mK of temperature, new milestone achieved in INMA.
2020 RSEF-BBVA Young Physicist Prize awarded to CSIC team member María José Martínez-Pérez
The announcement was made public on September the 18th by the Spanish Physics Society (RSEF) and the BBVA foundation. The jury highlights her outstanding contributions to develop a new generation of magnetic sensing tools that can open promising avenues for nanomagnetism, molecular nanoscience and quantum technologies.
Quantum Tuesday
Carlos Farina, from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, will present the talk titled "Huygens, the Helen of Geometry and the imprisonment of Time". It will take place on Tuesday, March 3 at 15:30 in the Nuclear Physics Seminar of the University of Zaragoza.
Our colleagues from the University of Florence have made a video explaining their research in which they combine single molecule magnets with superconducting materials trying to control single molecule magnetism via these superconductors and to use single molecule magnets as local probes of the superconducting state.
Quantum Tuesday
Luis Martín Moreno, from the Aragón Materials Science Institute, will present the talk titled "An Introduction to Machine Learning". It will take place on Tuesday, February 18 at 15:30 in the Degree Room of the Faculty of Science of the University of Zaragoza.
Quantum Tuesday
Luis Martín Moreno, from the Aragón Materials Science Institute, will present the talk titled "A Basic Introduction to Artificial Intelligence". It will take place on Tuesday, February 4 at 15:30 in the Nuclear Physics Seminar of the University of Zaragoza.
Postdoctoral Position in FATMOLS
The Quantum Materials and Devices (QMAD, group at ICMA offers a two-year postdoctoral position (renewable for a year) within the framework of FET-OPEN project FATMOLS (Fault-Tolerant MOLecular Spin processor, that begins March the 1st 2020. The research will focus on studying the coupling of molecular spin nanoensembles and 2D magnetic frameworks to novel quantum superconducting circuits. Candidates must have a recent PhD in physics, telecommunication engineering or material science. Expertise with superconducting circuits and electronics and very low temperature physics is advisable.
Contact: Send your CV to
PhD Position in Quantum Information
The Quantum Materials and Devices (Q-MAD, group at ICMA (Zaragoza), announces the opening of a 4 years PhD position associated to the research project "Coupling SUPERconducting devices to MAgnetic Nanomaterials: a platform for QUantum TEchnologies (SUPERMAN-QUTE)", under the supervision of María José Martínez Pérez and Fernando Luis Vitalla.
Contact: Send your CV and motivation letter to and